Moonlight Blue

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from Taiwanese Suite by Chelsea Chen


Taiwanese Suite was composed in 2003 celebrating the different landscapes of Taiwan, and features folk-like songs. It is three pages long, written for two manuals and pedal.

Registration and Organs

A simple registration is indicated. There are 8' stops in the manuals and 16' and 8' in the pedal. Depending on the size of the organ the solo stop can vary between solo sections.

Fingering and Pedaling

The pedal line and the solo line work against each other when the pedal enters at measure 29. Watch out for that. In the last section where the left hand plays in half notes at measure 39, a very structured fingering needs to be used for perfect legato. In measures 9 and 20 the right hand must take the "F" on the Swell while holding the right hand note on the Great.

Articulation and Phrasing

Follow the phrasing indicated.


At the beginning, the movement from 'G' to 'F' should be treated as an ornament.

Tempo and Meter

Slowly, Half note = 90

This is very free. Let it sing and flow. Imagine the moonlight while playing.

Scores and Editions

Is available through Wayne Leupold Editions.

For a sample page see Wayne Leupold Editions Gallery.


Replace this text with any specific information on recordings

Free Online

Listen to Chelsea Chen perform it at YouTube

Free Recording

Pay to Listen

Live at Heinz Chapel by Chelsea Chen, $9.99 iTunes or CD $15.00 Chelsea Chen

Other Resources

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