Nun bitten wir den heiligen Gott

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Nun bitten wir den heiligen Gott is interpreted to mean "Now we ask the Holy Spirit." This chorale prelude has been melodically and rhythmically altered from that of the chorale. It was written in an imitative, polyphonic style, and contains a six measure coda.[1]

Organ and Registration

This two page piece is written for two manuals and pedal. No registration indications are given in the score. However, a general style can be inferred from the dynamic marking of fortissimo.

Fingering and Pedaling

Be sure to finger this piece because both hands play a lot of scalar passage sixteenth notes.

Articulation and Phrasing


Tempo and Meter

The tempo indication is Bewegt, which means "moved." It begins in common time and half way through has one measure of 6/4, followed by 4/4. It remains in 4/4 for the remainder of the work.



Schott/Hal Leonard 49003685

The Schott edition is available at Sheet Music Plus.

The Leonard edition is available in the collection Six Organ Chorales, published in North America. Purchasing information is available here.


Bonnen plays..., Dietmar Bonnen, organist [1]
Organs in Cologne [2]
Hermann Schroeder Organ Works [3]

Free Online

Pay to Listen


  1. Amos, Emily Harriet. "The Cantus Firmus Organ Works of Hermann Schroeder." MM thesis, George Peabody College for Teachers, 1968, p. 9.