Organ, O sacred instrument and holy...

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from Dans la Gloire des Invalides by Marcel Dupré


Organ, O sacred instrument and holy, you will intone the words of the Almighty Father "is a pompous Maestoso of detached chords similar to Opus 18."[1]

Registration and Organs

Swell: Principals 8', 4', and 2', Reeds (16') and 8'

Great: Principals 8', 4', and 2', Mixtures

Pedal: Foundations 16' and 8', Reeds 16' and 8'

Swell to Great

Fingering and Pedaling

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Articulation and Phrasing

The majority of the manual chords are marked with a tenuto and played detached, in contrast to the legato of the pedal line.


One grace note is indicated prior to the final chord. No added ornamentation is required for this piece.

Tempo and Meter

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Scores and Editions

The approved edition of this pieces for the AGO Service Playing Exam is published by Wayne Leupold. It is available here.

Another edition was published in 2008 by Alfonse Leduc and is available here.


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Free Online

Pay to Listen


  1. Smith, Rollin. The American Organist, 40.3 (Mar 2006): 89-90.

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