Hills in the Springtime

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from Taiwanese Suite by Chelsea Chen


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Registration and Organs

The beginning indicated registration is:

Swell: Trumpet 8', Clairon 4' Great: 8', 4', and 2', Mixture Choir: Clarinet 8' Pedal: 16', 8', and 4'

A few registration changes are indicated throughout.

Fingering and Pedaling

Replace this text with any specific information on fingering and pedaling

Articulation and Phrasing

This piece contains some fun articulated passages. There are staccatos, tenutos, and rests that accent the rhythm and contribute to the delightfulness of this piece. Think "light and playful" as you articulate.

Follow the phrasing as indicated.


Replace this text with any specific information on ornamentation

Tempo and Meter

It begins with Allergro Moderato, quarter note = 108, and slows to quarter note = 100 at measure 34. Then, it moves back to Tempo I at measure 57.

It is 4/4 meter throughout.

Scores and Editions

Available through Wayne Leupold Editions.


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Free Online

Listen to Chelsea Chen perform it at YouTube

Free Recording

Pay to Listen

Live at Heinz Chapel by Chelsea Chen, $9.99 iTunes or CD $15.00 Chelsea Chen

Other Resources

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