Marcel Dupré

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French organist, composer, teacher, editor

  • 1886 born in Rouen, France
  • 1926-1954 professor of organ performance and improvisation at Paris Conservatory
  • 1934-1971 titular organist at Sainte-Sulpice in Paris
  • 1971 died in Meudon, France
  • A student of Guilmant, Vierne, and Widor
  • Became famous as an improviser and composer in a French symphonic style
  • Some of his most famous compositions began as concert improvisations

Dupré was born in 1886 to a family of musicians. He studied at the Paris Conservatoire and took first prize in three contests there – fugue, organ, and composition. He was the organist at St Sulpice from 1934 until his death in 1971, toured, and taught extensively in Europe and America.

Many of Dupré’s own compositions have overt pedagogical purposes. For example, both the Tombeau de Titelouze and the 79 Chorales use chorale and chant tunes found in the works of other composers (Titelouze and JS Bach), and are meant to be introductions to that music.

Dupre had an excellent memory and could play the entire works of Bach from memory.[1]

For details, see the Wikipedia article on Marcel Dupré.

List of Organ Works

Click to sort by opus number, title, or year of composition or publication
Opus Title Year
Op. ?? Prière en sol majeur (Prayer in G major 1895
Op. ?? Fugue en ut majeur (Fugue in C major) 1895
Op. ?? Fugue en la mineur (Fugue in A minor) 1901
Op. ?? Fugue en fa majeur (Fugue in F major) 1900
Op. ?? Dans la Gloire des Invalides
Op. 7 3 Préludes et fugues
Op. 16 Scherzo en fa mineur 1918
Op. 18 15 Versets... 1919
Op. 19 Cortège et litanie 1921, 1923, 1925
Op. 20 Variations sur un Noël 1922
Op. 21 Suite Bretonne 1923
Op. 23 Symphonie-Passion 1924
Op. 24 Lamento in B♭ mineur 1926
Op. 26 Symphony No. 2 in C♯ minor 1929
Op. 27 7 Pièces 1931
Op. 28 79 Chorales 1931
Op. 29 Le Chemin de la croix, 14 Stations 1931
Op. 32 3 Élévations 1935
Op. 34 Angélus 1936
Op. 37 Évocation, Poème symphonique 1941
Op. 38 Le Tombeau de Titelouze 1942
Op. 39 Suite en fa mineur 1944
Op. 40 Offrande à la Vierge 1944
Op. 41 3 Esquisses (3 Sketches) 1945
Op. 43 Paraphrase sur le Te Deum 1945
Op. 44 Vision, Poème symphonique 1947
Op. 45 8 Petits préludes sur des thèmes grégoriens 1948
Op. 46 Miserere Mei 1948
Op. ?? Variations sur «Il est né le divin Enfant», Offertoire 1948
Op. ?? Épithalame 1948
Op. 47 Psaume XVIII, Poème symphonique 1949
Op. 48 6 Antiennes pour le temps de Noël 1952
Op. 50 24 Inventions 1956
Op. 51 Triptyque 1957
Op. 54 Nymphéas 1959
Op. 56 Annonciation, 2 Méditations 1961
Op. 57 Choral et fugue 1962
Op. 58 3 Hymnes 1963
Op. 59 2 Chorales 1963
Op. 61 In Memoriam, 6 Pièces pour orgue «à ma fille» (Marguerite) 1965
Op. ?? Méditation 1966
Op. 62 Entrée, Canzona et Sortie 1967
Op. 63 4 Fugues modales 1968
Op. 64 Regina coeli 1969
Op. 65 Le Vitrail de St. Ouen 1969
Op. 65b Souvenir 1965

Background and General Perspectives on Performing Dupré Organ Works

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Other Resources

"Marcel Dupre': The Man and His Music." B. The Musical Times, Vol. 61, No. 934 (Dec. 1, 1920), pp. 814-816.


  1. Rollin Smith, Louis Vierne: Organist of Notre Dame Cathedral, 161. The Complete Organ No. 3. Hillsdale, New York: Pendragon Press, 1999.
  2. This footnote was entered in the "Registration and Organs" article

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