User contributions for Ruth.eldredge
From Organ Playing Wiki
A user with 464 edits. Account created on 6 January 2012.
23 March 2012
- 17:1017:10, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Nun ruhen alle Wälder (Now Rest Beneath Night's Shadow) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 17:1017:10, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N O Haupt von Blut und Wunden (O Sacred Head, Now Wounded) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 17:0917:09, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N O Gott, du frommer Gott (O God, Thou Faithful God) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 17:0917:09, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N O dass ich tausend Zungen hätte (Oh, That I Had a Thousand Voices) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 17:0917:09, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Nun danket alle Gott (Now Thank We All Our God) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 17:0917:09, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Meinen Jesum lass' ich nicht (Jesus I Will Never Leave) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 17:0917:09, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Macht hoch die Tür (Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 17:0917:09, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren (Praise To the Lord, the Almighty) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 17:0817:08, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (Blessed Jesus, At Thy Word) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 17:0717:07, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Jesus, meine Zuversicht (Jesus Christ, My Sure Defence) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 17:0717:07, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Jerusalem, du hochgebaute Stadt (Jerusalem, Thou City Fair and High) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 17:0717:07, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend (Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 17:0617:06, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Grosser Gott, wir loben dich (Holy God, We Praise Thy Name Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 17:0617:06, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Freu' dich serh, o meine Seele (Comfort, Comfort Ye My People) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 17:0517:05, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Es ist gewisslich an dar Zeit (The Day Is Surely Drawing Near) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 17:0417:04, 23 March 2012 diff hist +1 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a →The Preludes and Fugues
- 17:0417:04, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Es ist gewisslich an dar Zeit (The Day Is Surely Drawing Near Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..." current
- 17:0417:04, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (Salvation Unto Us Has Come) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 17:0417:04, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Eins ist not; ach Herr, dies Eine (One Thing Is Needful) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 16:5516:55, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Ein' Feste Burg ist unser Gott (A Mighty Fortress is Our God) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 16:5516:55, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (From Depths of Woe I Cry Unto Thee Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 16:5416:54, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Alles ist an Gottes Segen (All Depends on Our Possessing) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 16:5416:54, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (All Glory Be to God on High) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 16:5216:52, 23 March 2012 diff hist +1 AGO Service Playing Certificate Repertoire →Group B
- 16:5016:50, 23 March 2012 diff hist −12 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a No edit summary
- 16:5016:50, 23 March 2012 diff hist +3 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a →The Preludes and Fugues
- 16:5016:50, 23 March 2012 diff hist +41 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a No edit summary
- 16:3916:39, 23 March 2012 diff hist +2,812 N 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a Created page with "by Johann Sebastian Bach ==The Preludes and Fugues== {| class="sortable wikitable" border="1" |+ Click to sort by number, title, or season |- ! scope="col" | BWV ! scope..."
- 16:3816:38, 23 March 2012 diff hist +332 N Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade (Abide, O Dearest Jesus) Created page with "from 30 Kleine Choralvorspiele, op. 135a by Max Reger ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== ==Fingering and Pedaling== ==Articulation and Phrasing== ==Ornamen..."
- 16:0116:01, 23 March 2012 diff hist 0 AGO Service Playing Certificate Repertoire →Group B
- 15:5815:58, 23 March 2012 diff hist −1 Es flog ein Täublein weisse →Scores
9 March 2012
- 17:3017:30, 9 March 2012 diff hist +1,386 Prelude and Fugue in F Major No edit summary current
- 17:0617:06, 9 March 2012 diff hist +644 N Vingt-quatre Pièces en style libre Created page with "==Composer== Louis Vierne ==Background== ==Registration and Organs== Replace this text with any suggestions on registration or the organs associated with these pieces =..."
- 17:0517:05, 9 March 2012 diff hist 0 AGO Service Playing Certificate Repertoire No edit summary
- 16:5116:51, 9 March 2012 diff hist −1 Max Reger No edit summary
- 16:4916:49, 9 March 2012 diff hist +2 Louis Vierne No edit summary
- 16:4716:47, 9 March 2012 diff hist −62 Felix Mendelssohn No edit summary
- 16:4116:41, 9 March 2012 diff hist −8 8 Short Preludes and Fugues No edit summary
- 16:4016:40, 9 March 2012 diff hist +165 Dieterich Buxtehude No edit summary
- 16:1716:17, 9 March 2012 diff hist −20 AGO Service Playing Certificate Repertoire No edit summary
- 16:1616:16, 9 March 2012 diff hist −4 AGO Service Playing Certificate Repertoire No edit summary
- 16:1316:13, 9 March 2012 diff hist +2,347 N Hugo Distler Created page with "==Synopsis== Flemish organist, composer, and teacher For details, see the [ Wikipedia article on Hugo Distler]. ==List of Organ Work..."
- 16:0916:09, 9 March 2012 diff hist +1 Olivier Messiaen No edit summary
- 16:0916:09, 9 March 2012 diff hist +2,353 N Olivier Messiaen Created page with "==Synopsis== French organist, composer, and teacher For details, see the Wikipedia article on Olivier Messiaen]. ==List of Orga..."
- 16:0616:06, 9 March 2012 diff hist +2,354 N Herbert Howells Created page with "==Synopsis== Englishl organist, composer, and teacher For details, see the [ Wikipedia article on Herbert Howells]. ==List of Org..."
- 16:0416:04, 9 March 2012 diff hist +2,313 N Maurice Duruflé Created page with "==Synopsis== French organist and composer For details, see the Wikipedia article on Maurice Duruflé]. ==List of Organ Works== ..."
- 16:0216:02, 9 March 2012 diff hist 0 Flor Peeters No edit summary
- 16:0216:02, 9 March 2012 diff hist +2,346 N Flor Peeters Created page with "==Synopsis== Belgian organist, composer, and teacher For details, see the Wikipedia article on Flor Peeters]. ==List of Organ Works..."
- 16:0016:00, 9 March 2012 diff hist +3 Marcel Dupré No edit summary
- 15:5815:58, 9 March 2012 diff hist +1 Organ Composers No edit summary