by Max Reger
The Chorale Preludes
Click to sort by number, title, or season
1 |
Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade (Abide, O Dearest Jesus) |
2 |
Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (All Glory Be to God on High) |
3 |
Alles ist an Gottes Segen (All Depends on Our Possessing) |
4 |
Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (From Depths of Woe I Cry Unto Thee |
5 |
Ein' Feste Burg ist unser Gott (A Mighty Fortress is Our God) |
6 |
Eins ist not; ach Herr, dies Eine (One Thing Is Needful) |
7 |
Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (Salvation Unto Us Has Come) |
8 |
Es ist gewisslich an dar Zeit (The Day Is Surely Drawing Near) |
9 |
Freu' dich serh, o meine Seele (Comfort, Comfort Ye My People) |
10 |
Grosser Gott, wir loben dich (Holy God, We Praise Thy Name |
11 |
Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend (Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now) |
12 |
Jerusalem, du hochgebaute Stadt (Jerusalem, Thou City Fair and High) |
13 |
Jesus, meine Zuversicht (Jesus Christ, My Sure Defence) |
14 |
Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (Blessed Jesus, At Thy Word) |
15 |
Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren (Praise To the Lord, the Almighty) |
16 |
Macht hoch die Tür (Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates) |
17 |
Meinen Jesum lass' ich nicht (Jesus I Will Never Leave) |
18 |
Nun danket alle Gott (Now Thank We All Our God) |
19 |
O dass ich tausend Zungen hätte (Oh, That I Had a Thousand Voices) |
20 |
O Gott, du frommer Gott (O God, Thou Faithful God) |
21 |
O Haupt von Blut und Wunden (O Sacred Head, Now Wounded) |
22 |
Nun ruhen alle Wälder (Now Rest Beneath Night's Shadow) |
23 |
Valet will ich dir geben (Farewell I Gladly Bid Thee) |
24 |
Von Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her (From Heaven Above to Earth I Come |
25 |
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (Wake, Awake, For Night is Flying/A Voice is Calling) |
26 |
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (What God Ordains is Always Right) |
27 |
Was mein Gott will, das g'shech' allzeit (The Will of God Is Always Best) |
28 |
Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten (If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee) |
29 |
Wie schön leucht't uns der Morgenstern (How Lovely Shines the Morning Star) |
30 |
Wunderbarer König (Wondrous King, All Glorious) |
Background and General Perspectives
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Scores and Editions
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See the footnote in the "Notes" section at the bottom of the page [1]
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Free Online
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Pay to Listen
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Other Resources
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- ↑ This footnote was entered in the "Scores and Editions" article.
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