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Organ and Registration

Registration indications for the Prelude are specified in the score, either by specific names or by stop families. For example, the indications for this piece are

Sw. Gemshorn 8 Gt. Stopped diapason 8 Ped. Soft foundations 16-8 Sw/Gt

If your organ does not have some of these stops, try using stops of a similar tone quality to the ones indicated. These may be stops in the same family: for example, if your organ lacks a stopped diapason, look for another flute at 8' pitch. (Note that the stopped diapason is a flute, not a principal, even though it uses the term 'diapason.')

The 'soft foundation' indication in the pedal refers to any flue pipes (principals or flutes) that will balance the volume of the stops in the manuals. These will most likely be flute stops to match the soft registration in the manuals.

Ruth.eldredge 11:35, 3 February 2012 (MST)

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